Wednesday, August 26, 2009

William's First Practice & MC the "Dishwasher"

Yesterday was William's first soccer practice. They did a lot of drills which I think is beneficial for first timers. It teaches them ball control and stuff like that. Then they split up and played each other like a scrimmage. William really liked soccer and didn't complain about his legs hurting like Charlie did. Maybe he was too worried about how hot it was! When we finished practice at 7:00 our van recorded the temp at 91 still. I am starting to doubt if Texas has fall. Here William is at practice:

Now this was a rarity but I've been trying to get everyone in bed at a decent hour since school has started and all. It's mainly b/c by the time supper gets here I'm almost too tired to eat! I think the school schedule is worse on me than the kids, ha! Summer really spoiled me with no schedule. I do have a point, last night since I knew we had soccer I had supper ready and on the table at 5! I felt like Donna Reed! So we ate before soccer so we could whisk the kids off to bed when we got home. I like to clean as I go when I cook so I was loading the dishwasher while I was fixing supper and of course I had some help. Mary Collins climbed on the dishwasher and sat on the door to help and Margaret Ann helped from the floor.

Now these are dirty dishes mind you and MC is cleaning them by hand or mouth:
In case you couldn't tell above, yes, she is licking the silver clean:

And that was our day!

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