Friday, November 5, 2010

Trick or Treat

We trick or treated Sunday night in our neighborhood. The lots in our hood are all 1 acre minimum sized lots so our friends the Seibs hooked up their trailer and we trailer rode our neighborhood. Y'all it took forever. We didn't even hit the whole neighborhood and we were all pooped out by the time we quit. Here we are before heading out:

Charlie was GI Joe or something like that. He pitched a fit for it in target and I caved. William was a transformer, his pick. Henry changed costumes at the last minute. He was going to be Buzz Lightyear and then decided he wanted to be Woody so I had to run all over town the night before his school party to find the last woody in Tyler, TX. The girls were supposed to be Ole Miss cheerleaders but decided they wanted to be bunnies.

When I bought those bunny suits last year I thought I was being a little frivolous spending 30 bucks a piece on a costume for them but after two years of wear, that only makes them 15, not too bad!

Before hitting the first house:

The girls trick or treating:

The boys were too quick to snap while they were scoring their loot......they had that trick or treating down pat!
MA showing off her candy:

We dug in after we got home, even though it was a school night.

Woody lost his suit as soon as he hit the door:
The kids did a lot of trick or treating but b/c the lots are so big we didn't do as many houses. Usually we trick or treat until their bags get full and go home (and their bags aren't that big). Then I munch on their bags throughout the week b/c they surely won't miss a few pieces.... But I felt bad this year b/c their bags didn't get filled all the way up so I went by Walmart to pick me up some loot half price after Halloween. And y'all, our Walmart only had the junkie candy half off......the good stuff (i.e. chocolate) was still regular price! I couldn't believe it so I inquired and got some central office blah blah, and regular candy, blah blah. Anyway, I only scored a bag of kit kats and they only lasted a day b/c the kids found my stash. Oh, well, there's always next year!

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