Monday, April 4, 2011

Ski Trip 2011

These are so super late but here are some pics from our ski trip to Colorado the end of Feb/beginning of March.
Out to eat after first day of skiing:
 Me and Melanie:  (when Mel was looking at these on her camera she said we looked just like we did in college.  me, not so much but Melanie actually does!)
 On the lift:
 it was soooo beautiful!

 we look like we're about to fall over here, ha!
 Out shopping for the kids' soveniers:

We had a wonderful time in Coloardo with our friends Mel & LE!  We had a little trouble getting to Steamboat b/c of weather but we made it and got in our three full days of skiing!  It has been about three years since we've skied and all I can say is next year I will be sure to start working out at least two months prior to hitting the slopes!  My poor body went through the ringer!  I'd do it all again in a heartbeat!  Let's just say that every night after we ate we fell in the bed and died....sometimes requiring a few advil to ease the aches, ha!  I felt like a mamaw when I'd try to get up from sitting down b/c my knees just didn't want to work.  But after about 10 or so hrs of sleep I'd feel brand new and was ready to hit the slopes again!  Clayton had some minor equiptment issues with the fit of his skis and had some major shin pains.  I did not, yeah!  So I was much more of a "go-getter" than he was this trip, which it's usually the opposite for us.  I have tried to ski on bad shins before though and I know how bad it hurts, like you just want to lay down and wait for ski patrol to come put you on a stretcher and carry you down the mountain, ha!  I even skied a black with Melanie after we got off the lift and went down what was suppossed to be a blue, but the blue was roped off and closed so down the black we went, and even hit the lift up again before it closed and did it again!  Major rush!  I had never skied Steamboat before and I really liked it!  My favorite part was skiing in and out of the trees!  They were so beautiful!  Although I did eat one or two and got buried up to my shoulders in snow!  But after 20 minutes or so I was able to muster up the strength to dig my way out, ha! I told you my body was not in shape, ha!  It was definitely a wake up call that I need to join the gym and get off my lazy tail and exercise!  Looking forward to next year already!

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