Friday, April 16, 2010

Hello Mess

This actually happened a few weeks ago and I just forgot to blog it. I think perhaps I was trying to block it from my mind. The setting: a Friday morning. I had gotten Charlie off to school and finished feeding the rest of the clan breakfast. I had gotten the girls down from their highchairs and was busy as a bee getting the kitchen back in order. I finished it up and went to get the girls dressed for the day. I walked into their room and headed for their closet, which is off their bathroom. I walked through the door to a holy mess. I didn't know whether to laugh, scream, or cry, or all three. The guilty parties were standing in their admiring their handywork. And when I walked in speechless they both looked up at me and grinned. It was such a mess I couldn't help but laugh. And the first thought through my mind was, "thank God we've sold the house already!" And then the reality of Friday set in (cleaning day)......better get a move on, no excuse for the house not to get cleaned this Friday.

Notice the paper towel wads on MC's shirt. It was like that everywhere, in MA's hair.....the walls......the floor.....the rug..... It looked like they were making spit balls (very large ones) and throwing them all over the bathroom.

They did it up right. They used an almost full roll of tp.

Check out those wads in MA's hair and MC's expression, so proud of her work:

And you ask, "Where was their mother?" I tell ya, we don't do an extensive breakfast around here. It's like a few bowls of cereal and such. I just had to clean off a table and some highchairs and give them a good wipe down. We're talking 5-7 minutes tops. Those little boogers move at lightning speed I tell ya, when it's mess making time. Now, if you're running late and are trying to herd them out the door then they have time to run out in the yard chasing a butterfly but if it's mess making time, they're all business. Lucky me.


  1. Oh my! Those little turkies! They sure made a mess, didn't they! I think Charlie's new haircut looks a lot like his daddy's hair now!

  2. That was exactly what I thought too Sara, about the cut!
