Friday, November 6, 2009

The Wheels On The Bus Go Round and Round, Except These Wheels Don't Move

I have been MIA this week due to several reasons. Mostly b/c every spare minute I've had to get on the computer I've used it taking a defensive driving class online to clear up a little mishap of a ticket I got back in the dark ages it seems. And after that I had to dig deep and channel my inner craftiness to make this:

This week Charlie's class is doing something on transportation and they sent home a paper saying for you to make a mode of transportation with stuff you had at home for their city and turn it in by Friday. So I immediately rushed to the pantry and eyed all our junk boxes. I had recently bought a giant honey bun box from Walmart and immediately thought, "that would make a great school bus." So when I asked Charlie what he wanted to make for his vehicle he shouted that he wanted to make a bus! Clearly he is my child and, you know, great minds think alike! So I was pumped and worked pretty hard on this little baby. In fact all the boys have enjoyed driving it around in between my yelling, "Don't touch the's wet!" Or "Be easy with it....those wheels really don't move." I had the wheels just tacked in the bus so they would move a little but after a few "test drives" I decided I'd better add some glue behind them. We wouldn't want the bus to have a blowout. And my boy was so proud of that bus as he walked in to school this morning:

Totally made all that cutting of construction paper and painting with a pencil worth it. My next project: disguising a turkey for William's class as something that pertains to our family. He's so going as a superhero I'm sure. He's not due for another week or so so I've got time to come up with something. For now I've got to go channel my Merry Maid and get my bathroom and bedroom sparkling clean and do about 15 loads of laundry, literally.....


  1. Good job on the school bus. Don't feel bad about the laundry. I'll be working on laundry all weekend too!

  2. I love reading your blog!! Are you in McKinney? I didn't know that. I know this is very farfetched, but I have a great friend there, Lauren and Mikel Cook, they have a little girl-Kayden Hope. Lauren is an ER nurse and works in a pediatric office too...What church are ya'll at. I'd love to come and visit your family whenever I come to visit Lauren and Mikel!!!
