Thursday, November 12, 2009

Holy Turkeys, Batman!

I sent two boys to school armed with Batman turkeys. Now if you have two boys 11 months apart then you know that it's really like having twins. You might as well buy two of everything. So in that spirit I made the command decision to have the same disguise for their turkeys. There were a couple of reasons for this:
1) my creative juices weren't really flowing well enough to disguise William's HUGE turkey as spiderman. It's kinda like the spandex rule. There are some things that just shouldn't be done and I think that trying to cover that turkey to look like he was wearing web-flare spandex is just wrong.
2) I'm lazy and knew this would be easy and inexpensive (it only cost me 1.26 in felt!)

Truth be told reason number 2 really took precedent in the turkey disguising decision making that went on. Just being honest. Anyway, I think they turned out pretty cute.

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