We were out of town for two weeks, to the beach and to Dothan. Last week I battled a sinus infection and was just plum lazy so it's been three weeks since my house has seen a cleaning. So today I'm attempting to do just that. It's been rainy here this morning so what better to do than clean? One of the boys let Belle out the back and I was procrastinating in the kitchen when all of a sudden I heard Belle start barking really loudly. I looked out and didn't see her so I figured she was at the other end of the yard barking at someone walking by on the sidewalk. I ignored it for a while but she kept on and on. I finally decided I'd go get her barking self in the house before the neighborhood association sends us another postcard in the mail telling us our dog is a nuisance. When I called her she didn't come so I proceeded to walk out and get her. She was in the nook by Clayton's office barking frantically. There was a mocking bird sitting on the fence so I just knew she had found her a baby. When I got closer I realized she had found her a baby, only not a baby bird. It was a baby rabbit. So I give you Thumper:
Big Boo Cast: Episode 421
3 days ago
He is so cute! I'd love to have him as a pet!!