Monday, June 22, 2009


This is a tab bit overdue as are a few other posts but it's too cute to pass up. This was the last day of school. Let the summer fun begin! Right when Clayton walked in from work he looked for the kids and they were outside playing: (Yes, that is charcoal)

His initial reaction, as any sane person's would be was to yell at them to stop! But I caught him before he said anything and we let them have a charcoal war as we watched from inside.

Even Henry got in on the action! It was two against one but they didn't care!

And surprisingly they actually did pick up every piece of that charcoal and put it back in the bag.
They sure were dirty but they sure had fun! Boys will be boys! You turn your back for a minute and there's no telling what they'll get into, even your charcoal!

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