Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Snot, Snot, Go Away...

Clayton and I just got back from a lovely trip to Napa, CA this past weekend. We had a great time. It has been a loooong time since we've had an "adult" trip. As usual, the day before we left someone got sick. Aparently my kids think that coming down with a virus before we have any big travel plans is a must. It never fails. Anyway, by the time we got back Mary Collins was on her way back up but Margaret Ann unfortunately followed suite and had just come down with it. We're talking fever, snot, no sleep, the works. Let's just say I was wondering why we didn't make our trip a little longer! I'm totally kidding. I was so ready to see those little boogers! And I really haven't figured out if they are actually feeling that bad or if they've just gotten used to someone holding them 24/7. After all, that's what Nanas and Pas are good for:) We are slowly but surely getting back to normal. I mean, a bitter biscuit and an apple are good cures for any fussy baby!


  1. They are just precious! How in the world do you take adult trips leaving 5 behind? Your sets of grandparents must be pros by now!

  2. Poor babies! Hope they are feeling better!
