Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bathing Beauties

About a month ago the girls decided that taking turns for baths was for the birds. So what did I do? I put them both in my tiny baby bath tub at the sink and it looked like a monsoon had hit my kitchen every night. So after cleaning and cleaning I had a brilliant idea. I decided it was time for Clayton and I to trade out bath duties, girls for boys. After all, it was pretty much zoo time up there and we needed to get a grip on things.

Margaret Ann wanted that brush so badly...She's eyeing it.....

She's reaching for it......

Close, but no cigar....

My husband, being the smart guy that he is, put them both in the bathtub. Not the baby tub, the bathtub (now, why didn't I think of that?). They loved it and have been there ever since:

And Margaret Ann


Got that


1 comment:

  1. Hey April! I found your blog from Kasey's and I'm so glad I did! I've been wondering how ya'll are doing. The girls are precious!
