Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Fall Y'all

I still had the girls' outfits laid out from last night and they saw them this morning after breakfast and MC brought one to me and said she wanted to wear her still my heart! Then she told me I made it for her. Well, yes, yes, I did. They were so excited to wear their pumpkin suits today. They got several compliments when we dropped Henry off at preschool this morning. Here they are before preschool:

And when we got back I attempted to snap a few pics on our front porch with our fall decor. The girls weren't being too cooperative.

It's still hot as blue blazes round these parts but a few trees are starting to change colors and acorns are falling from the oaks. I love fall decorations, probably as much or more so than Christmas ones! So happy fall y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Love the did great! I got a sewing machine for Christmas year before last and made one outfit with the help of a friend and couldn't even thread it after that.
