Friday, March 26, 2010

Favorite Fridays

I'm playing along with Favorite Fridays over at The Other Mama. This week I've had a lot of favorites: we sold our house! I did a little shopping for the girls and got some adorable dresses...I mean shopping.....need I say more? But I have to say that my absolute favorite of the week is....drumroll please........

Do you see what's in that picture? Those are big boy underwear on my little Henry man. Now, I know what you're thinking....he's should have been having this proud moment a year ago. I know. I know. Truth be told I probably did wait a little too long to train him. My boat was still a rockin' from having the twins and trying to get them sleeping all night and nursing them every three hours etc. etc. Plus we moved right after his 2nd birthday and so came the adjustments: new house, transition from crib to big boy bed, and finally potty training.
Now, in my defense, I have been actively trying to train the child for about 8 months.....yes, I said 8 months. Keep in mind that I had both my other boys trained in a week or two. Needless to say, this has been BY FAR my hardest one to train yet. I got so desperate I ordered a pdf file book off the internet for $17 that said I could have him trained in three days. I'm not bashing the book, but the three-day thing was a little bit of wishful thinking. It basically told me everything I already knew and was doing but it did give me some reassurance that I was doing the right things. (did I mention I was desperate?) Quite frankly, I was at the end of my rope. But after too many "accidents" that weren't really accidents to count we are finally successfully potty trained. Basically I had to sit him down and have a "come to Jesus" meeting about the potty business. And whatever fear of God I put into him on that final attempt worked b/c we've been pretty good since them.
Still with the daytime success I have been resorting to the pullup at night b/c a.) sleep is a valuable commodity to me and b.) just a repeat of a basically. Well, last week was the last of the pullups and since I have been overly lazy this week (I guess I'm still floating from the fact that the house sold and I don't have to keep the floors so you can eat off of them everyday) so I haven't been to the grocery store. I did make a quick Walmart run for necessities: milk, bread, peanut butter, honey buns, those little debbie muffins and diapers (for the girls). I don't consider Walmart the grocery store. In fact, I avoid it like the plague. But that's another post entirely. Anyway, I chose not to buy the pullups and we've been sleeping in the big boys ever since. We've been dry every morning until this morning but it wasn't that bad and it was a morning accident and not a nighttime one. Didn't interfere with our sleep.....nothing the washing machine can't fix. Plus it was time to change the sheets anyway.
I am very happy to announce that I've got three down, two to go in the potty training business, hip hip hooray! And I think the girls are going to be a total cinch! They already like sitting on the potty all the time! If I can just get them talking where I can understand what they're telling me we'll be in business! Mary Collins is already taking her diaper off all the time if it's accessible! Oh, and I found the BEST cotton bloomers yesterday in Dallas and I'm going to stock up and use them for panties b/c it's going to be a long time before we can fit into those 2t panties. I bought them a swim suit a few weeks back from Gap. Guess what size I had to get? 3-6 month! They're t-i-n-y. I also bought the 6-12 month just in case they hit a growth spurt and expand like crazy in the next couple of months and I'll just return the size that doesn't work.
Now that I've rambled all morning on potty training I'm off to clean the house. It's Friday, cleaning day......and if I finish early I'm heading to the mall to return some things and shop Nordstrom for an Easter dress! Happy Friday!


  1. YEAH!!!! Our youngest son took FOREVER to potty train. We had the same "Come To Jesus" meeting with him, and told him that he would not be allowed to turn 3 years old unless he used the potty like a big boy!! It worked for us!

    Congrats again, and here's to quick training on the girls.

    Hubby and I once sat down, did some math, and figured that over the course of four children in six years, we probably used more than 20,000 diapers. Scary.

  2. Hi!! I am Kasey's sister-in-law that lives in the Longview area! You are going to love Tyler!! We go pretty frequently to the Caldwell Zoo which is very nice!! Let me know if you have any questions about the area!!

  3. HOORAY!! That's wonderful news about the house, but even BETTER about the potty! We have done the 3 day method, too, and it did work for us, but I will let you know how it goes the weekend after Easter with H (eeekkk! that's soon!!!)
