Last Thursday we woke up to a winter wonderland -- we still had school though, let the Valentine's Party go on! The
DFW area got a record 12.5 inches of snow in a 24-hour period. It hasn't snowed that much here since 1964 I believe. It actually snowed more than 24 hours so a lot of places got more like 16-17 inches. I don't know how much we actually got b/c I never measured it. It was a plenty though. In fact, the snow fort and several large snowmen parts are still on the ground today, a week later. Clayton was in San Antonio for the day and missed it all but when he got home he said it looked like
somewhere in the northeast. We obviously don't see much snow around these parts (or any other parts we've lived), ha!
I was really lucky b/c my mom happened to be in town picking up her car that she wrecked the last time she was here so I had some company to play with the kids in the snow! I love having my mom here with me! And b/c it snowed so late in the week I talked her into staying with me this week too while Clayton was at a meeting in
Phoenix b/c we southerners don't know how to drive in snow. And snow constitutes seeing anything white even on the side of the road for my mom. Lucky me! We had a great time. I tell ya, only your mama will clean your master bathroom for you while you sit in front of the
tv and watch ice skating and not get mad that you're not helping scrub that nasty
toilet! I love my mama! Thank you mama, a ton, for staying with me and helping me with everything! The kids and I enjoyed you
sooooo much!
Now, back to the snow....Thursday night it got real cold -- not that it wasn't cold already -- and all that snow really froze to ice so the roads got pretty tricky. Hence school was closed on Friday which actually made me really sad b/c now we will not get out on Easter b/c we'll be making up the bad weather day, bummer. Oh, well. When the kids got out of school Thursday we geared up and headed out to play in the snow. Then on Friday we geared up again and played some more. Clayton and I had taken the older two boys skiing and had their ski clothes and I ran down to the local ski shop here and picked
up a bib for 14 bucks for Henry. Mom and I geared up too. I must say, if you have the right clothes the snow can be
soooo much fun! I'd have to buy a new wardrobe but I think I could totally live where it snowed if I dressed right....not long term, just for a winter or two, ha! We made the girls some make shift snow suits out of some old boy stuff I forgot to consign and it ended up working out great.
Now me being the genius that I am I posted these pictures in the wrong order. I am so smart! So to see things in order you might want to scroll down to the bottom and look from bottom to top. Here was our snow day fun in pictures:
Margaret Ann LOVED the snow and her favorite part was eating it!

Her second favorite part was late Friday when the roads thawed out and turned to slush. It was like a giant slushy puddle!

Put on a pair of rain boots and you are in business for some fun!

My sweet Henry man!

Mary Collins did not like the snow as much as everybody else. Don't get me wrong, she got out and played in it
and had fun but she also enjoyed spectating from the garage. I personally think she just knew her outfit was not coordinating too well, ha!

Margaret on the other hand was all about it!

Charlie loved it!

And so did William!

You would have never guessed it but Henry outlasted them all! Henry and I stayed out playing Thursday night until way after it turned dark. So late in fact that I was forced to run to
McDonalds to pick up some supper......gotta hate that. Have I ever mentioned my love affair with fast food? It's a sickness some would say. Just call me cheeseburger!
These were Friday in the slush. He liked splashing around in it as much as MA.'s cold out here!

Belle, my baby girl had just as much fun playing as the kids! She did her wonder dog routine many a time. But here she's just
checking out all the white stuff.

Margaret Ann sampling some white stuff herself:

Ain't she sweet?

Me and Mary Collins. She preferred the snow from a distance or in
someone's arms mostly. Excuse my beautiful face. I saw no need to get made up to get wet in the snow. Looking at this though that was a decision I might should have rethought. Can we say uneven skin tone anyone?

Charlie man:
William showing off his snowball (which he tasted too):

Charlie making a snow angel:

The finished angel (may have to look hard for this one)

An attempt to get me and all the kids in a shot. Look how excited they all look to be spending time with me in the snow, ha! Then again if I were them looking at me I might be scared!

They love me, I swear they do!

My sweet Mary Collins!

Me making a snow angel:

My mama sporting the snow clothes:

Snowball fight!

Stopping to pose: